Painting, Drawing, Sailing

    On our trip we want to explore the connection between Sailing and Art. The movement of a sailing ship is influenced by wind, weather and waves and people on the sea have always drawn or documented what they saw. We want to be inspired by this and draw, paint and write creatively with you. This trip is a unique possibility to experience nature from a different perspective and embrace your creative side.
    We want to offer possibilities of mutual learning. If you want to share a skill, you’re welcome to. We’ll have a few materials on board. But we advise you bring your preferred creative tools or the ones you want to share with others.
    In the end we want to produce a logbook that summarizes the events at sea.

    We welcome all people. But we do not accept any forms of discrimination. Keep in mind that it is a long distance trip, so we will be sailing a lot, probably overnight.
    We would be very happy if you could organise a journey to and from the island that doesn’t involve a flight. Stralsund is easy to get to by train and there are ferries to Latvia.
 The cost including food for adults is between 610-930€ according to self-assessment, children up to 15 years pay 50%.
    You can register here: raupe[ät]lovis[dot]de

    Jürgen and Raupe