Contribution to costs
Valid from 2023
At this point we don’t want to give you a simple listing of what you have to expect to pay for a trip. This would not meet our standards. Therefore, here are a few more words about the cost of a trip on Lovis.
We prefer to make a seminar or project trips. Our experience shows that in the end people involved have most of a trip, if a group is intensively working on an interesting topic. The entitlement to a seminar on board goes beyond the fun of sailing, but it also does not not mean, that we’re missing out sailing. Curated and prepared by two seminar teamer of Lovis, we will be working together on your subject. For a seven-day seminar tour the contribution shall be € 7,250, for five days it shall be 5,600 €.
Of course there is also the opportunity to introduce your own project and subject. We like to offer you our ship as a free space. If you have an exciting idea, we will be glad to help you and also provide you with the necessary equipment for your project.
But maybe you only would like to make a leisure trip, with great experiences in and around the water. Leave the world behind you, and off you go! In this case, no seminar teamer of Lovis goes with the contribution and for seven days it shall be € 6,150 or € 4,550 for five days.
The contributions to costs arise from the expenses for maintaining the vessel, which will be allocated to all journeys during the year. Your contributions contain charges for harbor dues and Diesel and therefore no additional costs will appear. So you only need to provide food and arrange your transport.
If you just got a bit unclear, or you do not finds your plan for a trip or else you have any problems with the financing, please call us or send us an email.