Rust’n’Roll IV

    Last round of removing rust and finishing the painting. In the end we will remove the winter roof together.
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    General Building Week

    There’s a good opportunity to getting to know LOVIS from the winter-side. We want to get active together and do as much as possible. More practically we’re mostly talking about taking care of the masts but also everything else that remains to be done.
    So everybody who’s into a long weekend of building, please write Friedel –
    We are looking forward to spending joyfull moments together on the ship,
    Gesche and Friedel


    Rust’n’Roll III

    We want to assemble the roof for the winter, remove rust, clean, paint, and fight corrosion! Arm yourself with working clothes and get started. But please get in touch with before.

    Rust’n’Roll II

    What has been done in the week before shall be continued now: sanding metall, cleaning, painting and fighting the rust! Arm yourself with working clothes and get started. But please get in touch before with


    Rust’n’Roll I (at the dockyard in Hamburg)

    In that week, we want to start the winter with removing rust, painting and whatever we can get done concerning weather and people.
    If you have time and want to participate get in touch with

    (DE) Turning the Tide

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